Welcome to InitBlogger

Even though this first post is off-topic compared to the name of the blog, but I have the feeling that I need to share this with you.

Do you have aims or dreams? Yes, we all do. And the truth is that all of us want to achieve our dreams. Different people have different dreams. Your dream and my dream are different or it can be the same, who knows? But many people cannot achieve that dream that they have conceived for so many years. It can be of any reason. Many people, when they are on their death bed regret that they have done nothing to achieve their dream. I don’t want to be like that, I believe neither do you. I have a dream to become a professional Developer and Blogger. I have achieved part of that dream, I become a developer. But for blogger, I have tried and failed since 2013, I admit it that I have tried multiple times and I fail multiple times too. It is because due to the lack of sincerity, consistency, and commitment. And it is until now that I have decided to put more effort and promise to myself that I will be dedicating some of my time daily to research, test, and write quality content and publish at least one blog post a week.

Who Am I?

I’ll share details and information about me in the future, until then, enjoy my articles in this blog.

Why Did I Choose To Blog?

Whoever you are, whether you are a teacher, writer, developer, designer, blogger, etc. I believe at one time or the other you have searched/asked for help, instruction, or guidance from the Internet. It’s the same for me. There are times that I found the answer after searching for many long hours or I have found the solution on my own. But, later in the future when I needed that solution again, I can’t recall it. I’m not very good at remembering all the things that I have learned in the past. So, this blog is also a documentation of what I have learned. But that is not the main point here, I blog because I love helping people, I’m happy when I can help people.

Is This Blog For You?

Is This Blog For You

By now you have known that I am a developer, WordPress Developer to be specific. There are many tricks and tips that I have learned over the past few years for successfully maintain and for the smooth running of a WordPress blog/website. Some of them I got from the Internet and some of them are of my own. So, in this blog, I will be sharing tutorials, tools, services, etc. that are needed for the beginner as well as advance users to successfully run and maintain WordPress blog/website. I’ll try to write the content in such a way that even if you are a beginner blogger or WordPress developer, you can fix problems that come out when running a WordPress blog including the complex one.

Are you a Blogger or WordPress Developer? Are you planning to become one? If so, then this blog is for you. I will publish more quality content in the future (once or twice a week). To get all the updates that I publish in this blog, you can stay connected by following us on Twitter or Facebook. You can also consider subscribing to our Newsletter to get the latest update directly in your email.
